Career @ Joshi & Bhandary

Vacancy - Chartered Accountant and other qualified personnel
2018-11-13JB always strives to keep a dynamic work force from various fields. The firms maintains a HR recruitment plan so as to have sufficient work force at all times so that the firm can deliver the services to the satisfaction of the client.
Available Vacancies at present
- Chartered Accountants (ICAN, ICAI) - Positions available (#) - 3 with immediate appointment
- Semi Qualified Chartered Accountants - [Read More...]
Articles - ICAN
J&B follows a biannual recruitment process for hiring article clerks pursuing Chartered Accountancy Course at Institute of Chartered Accounts of Nepal. The hiring process for Aug/ Sept 2018 is closed and we have hired 6 articles who have started their articleship training since Sept 2018.
Intake planned for Feb/Mar 2019
Joshi & Bhandary is an equal opportunity employer. Firm apply fair employment practices and giv [Read More...]
Articleship training for students pursuing CA Course with ICAN